Thursday, July 15, 2010

Snacks from Sainsbury's

So Grandnam and I are puttering around England for 10 days. I'm on research for my senior thesis on Jane Austen and Grandnam is my chaperone. We landed on Sunday and have eaten various things on our trip, however we are trying to avoid looking like tourists so the majority of our meals are not photographed. However we've sneaked a few here and there.

So for starters I'm here studying Jane Austen and her relation to food and farming during the Regency era. She was a farm girl and was in charge of making family breakfast every morning. She lived in various locations throughout her life starting on the rectory farm in Steventon, then to fashionable and foodie society of Bath, and lastly in Chawton with her mother and sister in a "small" cottage with a fantastic kitchen garden. She had the Godmersham estate and the Chawton House, her brother's sweet pad, for diversions and luxuries in diet.

More thesis updates to come but for now...our snacks from the local Sainsbury's.